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  • Writer's pictureDom Ivison

The data you wish you had. Now available on ThisThat

ThisThat is a collaborative platform meaning you can establish teams and profiles and work together in the aim of obtaining valuable data. The platform resembles Trello - the popular organisational tool so many use today. Whether you are a sole trader, startup, large organisation or agency, ThisThat can accommodate your surveying needs.

Once you have established a team and invited team members via email or through sharing a link you will be prompted to establish profiles. Profiles appear in the app largely similar to how they are presented on Instagram. We've seen clients establish teams under their business name and from there, create profiles for different projects. For example at ThisThat we have created a team and one profile dedicated to trending news called ThisThat's Hottest Polls. Check it out here. We have also run surveys for some of our clients under different profile names.

At ThisThat we collect basic demographics including age, gender, location and education level. If you want to create bespoke audiences you can do this by creating "filter questions" within your survey. For example one of our biggest clients, a leading German car manufacturer, is hellbent on understanding the mindset's of a group they refer to as "Driven Youth". This group of Gen Z and Y'ers are showing signs of ambition and the ability to one day afford their notoriously expensive products. One way they do this is by creating questions that can be used to filter audiences. For instance they have historically asked audiences "would you rather win the lottery or work hard for your success?" Those that choose the easy route can be pushed to one side and the remaining questions in the survey can be filtered by those more determined.

Filtering and comparing answers on ThisThat is what sets us apart from other surveying platforms. Our sophisticated analytics platform gives you all the freedom to drill down into certain groups without needing a background in market research. You really ought to try it out and see for yourself.

In recent months we also launched Tournament Mode questions. This style of poll consists of one question with up to 50 different answer options. In the survey each answer option is pitted agains another in a tournament like environment. As each match is played out we take the data and provide you with a ranked list from best rated to worst rated along with a percentage likelihood of any option beating another option. The binary system named the Elo Rating System gained notoriety with its use in ranking chess players - multiple head to head matches leaving a leaderboard from best-to-worst.

ThisThat has gone one step further in recent weeks. We have now brought in panel agencies who promise thousands of responses in as little as 24 hours depending on the granularity of the audience you are looking for. One agency boasts a data base of 30 million people and its safe to say that if you have a specific audience in mind, we can source it for you. Typically we are seeing clients purchasing between fifty and one hundred thousand responses. Important to recognise that responses don't expire and can be assigned to any of your surveys.

We are now also offering free consultation on what questions would be most effective for your survey. ThisThat recently celebrated its three year anniversary. In those three years we've created thousands of surveys and to date have collected just under a million data points. Our team consists of data scientists, consultants and designers meaning you can put your feet up while we do the heavy lifting.

At ThisThat we collect both quantitative and qualitative data. Our unique angle aims to help you find out what the world thinks- and why. We've worked with people from Nielsen- one of the biggest research companies in the world and even they are impressed with our offering. Comment threads, where people leave qualitative data are ultra-modern and sociable. You can tag friends, reply to them or even upload alternative answer options. Imagine Instagram meets Quora.

All of the above is delivered on a fun, fast and sociable platform where users can follow their favourite brands, influencers and friends. They can share opinions with ease (averaging 24 per user per session) and for the first time influence brands and others through opinion sharing. They feel like they are part of decision making processes and can sate their own curiosity. Welcome to ThisThat- let's find out what the world thinks together.

Get in touch with me via email: or call me directly on:

+44 (0) 7909446770.

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